Systematic organization, interpretation and statistical presentation of the research data utilizes methodologies which are applied to address various social risks and issues. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis is performed to assist with research processing. This includes transcription analysis, coding and text interpretation, recursive abstraction, content analysis, discourse analysis, and grounded theory methodology. All data is organized, and processed in a variety of different ways, using proprietary tools. Some data types need to be normalized, the significance of data categorized, and voluminous data condensed into usable form.
Data organization, interpretation and presentation of the research data, using applied methodologies to address various social issues & risks.
The team will look out for patterns and themes which often tell stakeholders something meaningful about research issues, a potential solution, or both.
Potentially useful information is extracted using methods to organize, or combine datasets. These may include machine learning, visualization methods and statistical analysis.
Deep structured learning or differential programming is part of a broader family of machine learning based on artificial neural networks with machine learning.
All data is organized, and processed in a variety of different ways, using proprietary tools.
Thorough analysis can provide answers to key questions
Statistical Analysis
Data InsightData Mining
Deep Learning
Analysis Overview
Analysis provides results that drive specifications