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Proprietary methodologies are utilized for both process & code

The Health Science Index uses a unique methodology and process worked out over a period of decades. This programming methodology is just one approach to analyzing complex research by planning software responses and controlling development processes. Utilizing agile and development modeling API's is used to transform the data. By embracing DevOps, we combine cultural philosophies, practices, and tools to increase our organization's ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity, thus evolving and improving products at a faster pace.

Modeling APIs

Custom APIs may be architected following the data formats and convention models provided. In addition a system may also utilize off-the-shelf APIs for maximum interoperability.

Data Trans-formation

Data transformation is employed to change the format, structure, or varchar of the data. For data analytics projects, data may be transformed at two stages of the data pipeline.

Data Science

Despite the dramatic increase in computing power and access to data, it takes a special methodology to form a concrete business or research problem, and collect and analyzing the data for a given model.

User Prediction

Predictive modeling uses statistical techniques to feed a historical dataset into a system that uses machine-learning algorithms to predict outcomes.

Methodology Overview

  • Programming Methodology – the logical approach used to analyze One Item's complex research projects
  • Research Planning – by planning the needed responses
  • Development Management – utilizing Agile and waterfall development software progresses quickly
  • Data is Analyzed and transformed – Modeling API's are used to transform the data.

The latest proven methodologies are implemented.

The proprietary Health Science Index methodology and process is used in both the research and the software engineering. From time to time new methods are also included.

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